Thursday, January 18, 2007

Entry 2


G’day from Greece! Tea House is about to start, so we’ll try to keep it short, sharp and sassy, but so much has happened!

Saturday night we were spoilt for Aussie company and cuisine at the Cottrells – an Aussie family who’ve been working here five months. The irony is that the rest of the team have support but tremendous difficulties with getting visas while the Cottrells have no visa problems but need more supporters so they don’t have to go home at the end of this year.

We joined an international church Sunday morning with some of the team. From our visit, the diversity of people was the only notable difference from our local services. After international church, we went out for infamous Greek Kebabs at the Five Brothers at the Plaka. The local team assured us the service was rubbish but the food was fabulous – and indeed it was.

By comparison, the Persian Christian Fellowship was a difference church experience! Nader, a believer from the Middle East started this gathering of Farsi speaking believers and seekers. On this night, a film about a believer discussing issues with a Muslim man was shown, and followed by a meal. We helped serve this and then met some of the women believers. An Egyptian lady had to leave their family due to her faith and now lives in limbo in Athens.

Till next time!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ladies!

great to hear from ya'll :)
It was a great blessing to meet you all on training... even though we had comunication issues ;) but from that - this blogging thing all ready feels familiar!

I'm deeply encouraged by the love you all have for God so clearly shown by your lives right now.

love and prayers
pete clark

Deb said...

Athens women! Great to hear that things are going well! Indeed, it is a little ironic with the situation with the Cottrells compared to the rest of their team. We're praying for God to continue to raise up people to partner with them. I'm always reminded of their faithfulness and perseverance. :)

Praying that God would be continuing to touch your lives, and using you to have a great and awesome impact in the lives of those around you!


Anonymous said...

Yasou, ti kanis?
Just wanted to send our love and prayers to you Mel and the rest of the Greece team.
Have an amazing time as you connect and meet with new people, bring back some kebabs and spanakopita for us!! (Wouldn't taste too good after long flight!)We can't wait to see you Mel.
Love and blessings
From Jess and Paul

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

Great to real what you're up to. I remember so well our time with the Farsi Fellowship. You're making me jealous.

Hope you're enjoying the fun parts of Greek life as well, especially the food!!

Thinking of you,

Rick and Sharon

p.s. the Virgin job is going well so far. Thanks for your txt Sarah!!!